
Another reincarnation

The long and painful process of finding the ultimate CMS for has gone forward another step. I have decided to abandon phpWebSite in favor of Drupal. Let's see how long this reincarnation lives...

Updated Bugzilla

Finally there is a Debian package for Bugzilla 2.20. I have upgraded the site to the 2.20 version.

Added Bugzilla

It might seem a bit overblown to have an entire Bugzilla installation for the simple stuff that can be found on the software projects page. On the other hand, Bugzilla is a really nice defect tracking system and I would like to keep up-to-date with its development. May I present to you... Herzilla :-) If you want to fool around a bit, just hop over and try the test product.

Added Curriculum Vitae

I added my Curriculum Vitae. Note: I am extremely happy with my current job, so putting up my CV really has no special meaning... is dead, long live

My old homepage is dead. After many years of manually messing around with HTML and CSS text files in vi, I finally became tired of it. So I went out and installed phpWebSite. You are now looking at the result of this reincarnation.